Why Norrbotten?
About us

Why norrbotten?

Low cost green energy, technical expertise, no problem-people and a long history of successful industrial establishments.

Norrbotten is Sweden’s largest region by area and represents about a quarter of Sweden’s total land area. In comparison, Norrbotten is as big as Austria.  A quarter of a million people, 2,5% of Sweden’s population live here, in 14 municipalities. Most of them, about 170 000, live in or nearby the coastal cities.

Sustainable and reliable green energy powers most of the industrial plants in our region. We are constantly evolving in solar energy, wind power and hydroelectric power. Due to clever use of natural resources and techniques, the energy costs are low and our power grid is incredibly stable. Luleå University of Technology, together with large industrial sites and establishments, brings us lots of valuable expertise and knowledge to the region. Read more here. Northern Sweden holds lots of untouched land. This makes great possibilites to work and establish new businesses. In Norrbotten, there is a short step between idea and establishment of new business concepts. Thanks to short construction processes, Facebook built a new server hall in Luleå in only two years. Our region is known for its high-quality natural raw material. Iron, minerals and world-class forestry are some of them. The sub-arctic climate has been crucial to our region’s success in space industry and automotive testing. The many industrial establishments has contributed to effective ways of logistics and transportation opportunities. Read more here. The people of Norrbotten if often associated with a “we can do it”-attitude, according to NASA. We are quick to find opportunities and solutions.